python draw rectangle on image

We will use cv2.rectangle() to implement it. 3.Paste a test image in the directory. @param img: PIL Image object @param xy: Coordinates as refined in PIL rectangle() doc @return: Image with black rectangle """ dr = ImageDraw.Draw(img) dr.rectangle(xy, fill="black", outline="black") return img ( picture box receives live images as input) . The image parameter provides the photo image to display. Top Left coordinates as (xmin, ymin) Bottom RIght coordinates as (xmax, ymax) Color of Line as RGB. For the purpose of image analysis we use the Opencv (Open Source Computer Vision Library) python library. Image Annotations with Dash. Python is the most popular programming language or nothing wrong to say that it is the next-generation programming language. is_drawing = False. The line colour and the line thickness are determined by the remaining parameters. Specifically, we’ll leverage the ImageDraw.Draw object, which takes an existing Image object. Layering in More Colors. How do I do it? ... Python cv2 rectangle: How to Draw a Rectangle in Python. Zelle designed the graphics module so you must tell Python into which GraphWin to draw the Point. I draw a rectangle on my image using. What did you do? various image processing operations such as manipulating images and applying … Now, we will see how to draw a rectangle in python using turtle. 4.Create variable to store image using imread function. img = cv2. i hope you got my problem , its very simple , i just need a for loop to draw rectangles in it , but i'm not getting how to write that logic. Exercise¶. Hello everyone, In this post I will show you how to draw different shapes on image using OpenCv in Python. Answer #1 OpenCV-Python is a library of Python bindings designed to solve computer vision problems.cv2.rectangle() method is used to draw a rectangle on any image. Figure 1: Our initial image that we are going to construct an overlay for. Figure 4: Using thresholding to highlight the image differences using OpenCV and Python. In this code we will create images. Move the cursor to a rectangle for this the mouse down should be present (drawing==True) then only get the x and y at the same time draw the rectangle, so that we have a good finish. The draw.text() function is very similar to the text_pixels() except that it adds the possibility of setting a fill (background) color for the text. Finally we have the cv::rectangle function (we did not create a special function for this guy). I want to save an image from the video stream and then draw a rectangle onto the shown image to produce a region of interest. img = Drawer = ImageDraw.Draw(img) Drawer.rectangle((x1, y1, x2, y2)) Basically, those last two lines are all you need to start drawing on your image. ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111, aspect=... Step 1: Import Modules/Libraries. OpenCV 3.0 & Python – Load, View and Save images on Raspberry; The following examples are all run on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. The library name that has to be imported after installing opencv is cv2. Matplotlib has patches like, Arc Code faster with the Kite plugin for your code editor, featuring Line-of-Code Completions and cloudless processing. Add a delay using a waitkey function. Python PIL | ImageDraw.Draw.rectangle () PIL is the Python Imaging Library which provides the python interpreter with image editing capabilities. Short snippet how to draw canvas with rectangles and make thumbnail of image with Pillow. ix = -1. iy = -1. blank_image = np.zeros( [512, 512, 3], dtype=np.uint8) def draw_rectangle(event, x, y, flags, param): img = cv2.imread ("caa.JPG") The input image is. Are there any ready to use implementations available? Python OpenCV cv2 drawing rectangle with text . Draw Rectangle, Print Text on an image | OpenCV Tutorial ... by Indian AI Production / On February 3, 2021 / In OpenCV Project. Kite is a free autocomplete for Python developers. Sample Code 1 importcv2 2 3 cap=cv2.VideoCapture('vtest.avi') 4 5 while(cap.isOpened()): 6 ret, 7 gray=cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) 8 cv2.imshow('frame',gray) 9 10 if cv2.waitKey(1)&0xFF==ord('q'): 11 … A Matpotlib patch is a 2-D artist that has a face and edge color. In every emerging field in computer science, Python makes its presence actively. from PIL import Image, ImageDraw # size of image canvas = (400, 300) # scale ration scale = 5 thumb = canvas[0]/scale, canvas[1]/scale # rectangles (width, height, left position, top position) frames = … Python is the most popular programming language or nothing wrong to say that it is the next-generation programming language. Python has vast libraries for various fields such as Machine Learning (Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib), Artificial intelligence (Pytorch, TensorFlow), and Game … The cv2 rectangle() method is used to draw a rectangle on any image. It is formatted differently to text_pixels() which is why I recommend you stick to using text_pixels() and text_grid() to avoid confusion. The operations to perform using OpenCV are such as Segmentation and contours, Hierarchy and retrieval mode, Approximating contours and finding their convex hull, Conex Hull, Matching Contour, Identifying Shapes (circle, rectangle, triangle, square, star), Line detection, … of different types to our image. import numpy as np. Here are a number of highest rated Draw Rectangle Python pictures on internet. Step 1: Import Modules/Libraries. Now is the time to draw circle, rectangle, ellipse and get the flashback of childhood. cv2.rectangle: This function is helpful to draw a rectangle on an image specified by the top-left corner and bottom-right corner in form of (x, y)-coordinates. cv2.rectangle(image, pt1, pt2, color, thickness) image – It is the image on which the rectangle has to be drawn. You need use patches. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt “Turtle” is a python feature like a drawing board, which lets you command a turtle to draw all over it! Draw Rectangles Using OpenCV. cv2.rectangle () to draw a rectangle on an image in Python. This tutorial shows how to annotate images with different drawing tools in plotly figures, and how to use such annotations in Dash apps. Example: from PIL import Image, ImageDraw as D"Path_to_your_Image") draw=D.Draw(i) draw.rectangle([(100,100),(250,250)],outline="white") Load a face image using cv2.imread() Create face cascade classifier using cv2.CascadeClassifier() Detect face rectangle using cv2.detectMultiScale() Then draw custom lines using cv2.line() Also create ellipse using cv2.ellipse() Display all the images using cv2.imshow() Wait for keyboard button press using cv2.waitKey() Draw Rectangle in Matplotlib Draw Rectangle on Image in Matplotlib When we need to draw a rectangle on an image or plain figure in Matplotlib, the rectangle patch from matplotlib.patches should be added to the axes by add_patch method. Our rectangle is defined with two points in two opposite corners. But I don't know … You will create a user interface using PySimpleGUI to allow you to draw shapes on images!. It has methods that can handle both grayscale and RGB images. rectangle(image, start_point, end_point, color, thickness) In the rectangle() function, you provide the starting point (top left) and ending point (bottom right) for the corners of the rectangle. Capturing mouse click events with Python and OpenCV. March 4, 2019 - by Pupli. Now that we are clear with what magic is going to happen by end of this tutorial, let’s work on our magic! Python scikit-image library provides us with sub-module name draw which can help us add shapes (circles, rectangle, ellipses, etc.) OpenCV Python Documentation, Release 0.1 26 27 cap.release() 28 cv2.destroyAllWindows() 2.3File File Camera . How to draw rectangle in Python and save as PNG Python 20.08.2015. Are there any ready to use implementations available? Drawing Shapes in Python with OpenCV. ellipse ((100, 100, 150, 200), fill = (255, 0, 0), outline = (0, 0, 0)) draw. More Details... #include ... draw_rectangle This global function draws a rectangle on an image. Now you can draw lines on your image. Python how to draw a rectangle import turtle for i in range(2): turtle.forward(20) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(10) Introduction¶. # Python program to explain cv2.rectangle() method # importing cv2 import cv2 # path path = r'C:\Users\Rajnish\Desktop\geeksforgeeks\geeks.png' # Reading an image in grayscale mode image = cv2.imread(path, 0) # Window name in which image is displayed window_name = 'Image' # Start coordinate, here (100, 50) # represents the top left corner of rectangle … INSTALLATION PYTHON 3.X. minDist is the Minimum distance between the center coordinates of detected circles. size , fill = 128 ) draw . From scratch. Here is PIL's ImageDraw method to draw a rectangle. To draw a shape, select a starting point on the image canvas and drag the mouse to the required size. For this to be possible, we will provide the cv2.rectangle parameter with the following argument. Out of the box you can draw simple basic shapes like squares and circles, but also lines and more complex shapes made up of points. I am using PyQt5 as I thought it would be easy to handle as the library has all I need, but I am sure I am being foolish. is_drawing = False. DrawRectangle(Pen, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Draws a rectangle specified by a coordinate pair, a width, and a height. fig2 = plt.figure() 2.Import cv2. cv2.rectangle(frame,(x,y),(x1,y1),(0,255,0),2) I would like to draw rectangles with text information on them. Then using those coordinates we will draw rectangle on image with mouse OpenCV. I am new to this forum and to Python. I thought to make this code to use it on the web pages to enphatize something with a nice image of a text. Draw ( im ) draw . You will learn to draw lines, rectangles, circles, ellipses, polylines and how to write a textual content on the image. How do I do it? In fact I am going to use some simple geometrical concepts to draw these basic shapes using only NumPy and Matplotlib. pt1: It is the starting coordinates of the rectangle. Here is another question which addresses what I think you wanted to know: Draw a rectangle and a text in it using PIL Later, save that ROI in a file. Draw an arrow. drawing object in Python. To separate that object, you need to draw a rectangle around that, and there OpenCV-Python library comes to the rescue. line ((350, 200, 450, 100), fill = (255, 255, 0), width = 10) im. rectangle takes many arguments like left, top, right, bottom, width, height etc.Parameters : Parameter Input Type Description top numbers.Real y-offset of the rectangle to draw. thanks for your help What did you expect to happen? Exercise¶. import sys from PIL import Image, ImageDraw with Image. In Python OpenCV Tutorial, Explained How to put text and Polylines over the image using python OpenCV cv2.polylines () function? Let’s see how we can use OpenCV to draw on an image versus a “blank canvas” generated by NumPy. Python answers related to “draw a rectangle on image using opencv” pygame how to draw a rectangle; python draw rectangle on image; cv2.rectangle In canvas, x & y coordinates have 0 value at the top left corner. 2 min read. Online Code Example for Draw bounding box on image python opencv Draw bounding box on image python opencv ## drawing for given coutour contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) for c in contours: rect = cv2.boundingRect(c) if rect[2] < 100 or rect[3] < 100: continue print cv2.contourArea(c) x,y,w,h = rect … A practical example: make an image. Draw on an image with OpenCV. Python cv2 rectangle. # Load a sample picture and learn how to recognize it. The first one is at the top left corner and the second one is at the bottom right corner. Drawing Shapes in Python with OpenCV. Following is, the syntax to draw a rectangle using python pillow −. save ( sys . In this tutorial we will learn that how to do OpenCV image segmentation using Python. cv2.rectangle(frame,(x,y),(x1,y1),(0, 255, 0), 2) I would like to draw rectangles with text information on them. This article is mouse click event OpenCV tutorial, we will use python to get coordinates of mouse click on image. rectangle takes many arguments like left, top, right, bottom, width, height etc.Parameters : Parameter Input Type Description top numbers.Real y-offset of the rectangle to draw. Python cv2 Image Size: How to Get Image Size in Python. Start by accessing the “Downloads” section of this guide to retrieve the source code and example image. python df split colum of tuple code example opencv cv attributes code example apollo client.query code example hooks update state code example use a gitignore file code example how to read a specific column in csv file python code example replace character in string at index js code example html toggle code example changing color of urls in latex code example how to creat6e a … rectangle ( img , ( 10 , 10 ), ( 100 , 150 ), ( 0 , 255 , 0 ), 5) The ImageDraw module provide simple 2D graphics for Image objects. Hello all. In Python OpenCV Tutorial, Explained How to put text and rectangle over the image using python OpenCV? 5. In this tutorial, we are going to show you how we can draw rectangles in OpenCV pygame.draw.rect(): This function is used to draw a rectangle. After selecting the rectangle select tool, we can draw the shape on our image. I would like to draw a rectangle on a grayscale image. After that, we will crop that area of interest from that image. We note that: The rectangle will be drawn on rook_image; Two opposite vertices of the rectangle are defined by ( 0, 7*w/8 ) and ( w, w ); The color of the rectangle is given by ( 0, 255, 255 ) which is the BGR value for yellow; Since the thickness value is given by FILLED (-1), the … Load a face image using cv2.imread() Create face cascade classifier using cv2.CascadeClassifier() Detect face rectangle using cv2.detectMultiScale() Then draw custom lines using cv2.line() Also create ellipse using cv2.ellipse() Display all the images using cv2.imshow() Wait for keyboard button press using cv2.waitKey() Canvas is a drawing widget and it can hold other widgets as well. How to draw a rectangle in python using turtle. In every emerging field in computer science, Python makes its presence actively. One of the basic operations of OpenCV is the ability to draw over the image. Python has vast libraries for various fields such as Machine Learning (Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib), Artificial intelligence (Pytorch, TensorFlow), and Game … Its submitted by dealing out in the best field. from matplotli... draw.polygon(seq, fill=None, outline=None) Now, let’s dig into the example code to draw a rectangle on an Image in Python. Following python example draws a line across the given image − #Import required libraries import sys from PIL import Image, ImageDraw #Create Image object im ="images/logo.jpg") #Draw line draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) draw.line((0, 0) + im.size, fill=128) draw.line((0, im.size[1], im.size[0], 0), fill=128) #Show image Output from PIL import Image, ImageDraw: import numpy as np # This is an example of running face recognition on a single image # and drawing a box around each person that was identified. The specific method is to fill in the first and second lines first, and then copy and paste the generated image. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches … cv2.rectangle() This function is defined as: cv2.rectangle(image,start_point,end_point,color, thickness) Parameters are: image: Input image. The drawing functions return indices to … The cv2 rectangle() method is used to draw a rectangle on any image. Our goal will be to: Use the cv2.rectangle function to draw a red bounding box surrounding myself in the bottom-right corner of the image. The OpenCV provides functions for each shape. Now, let’s call turtle as “tr” The for loop is used to print the code number of times. draw. To show the whole image, it is anchored to the north and to the west. Given an image the task here is to draft a python program using matplotlib to draw a rectangle on it. There is no need for subplots, and pyplot can display PIL images, so this can be simplified further: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Go through this example code now and annotate the image, with … This draws a rectangle on the image which has its top-left corner at the (start_point) and the bottom-right corner at the (end_point). obama_image = face_recognition. Python how to draw a rectangle import turtle for i in range(2): turtle.forward(20) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(10) Introduction¶. image. It's fairly common to want to mark detected objects in some way, so we the humans can easily see if our programs are working as we might hope. Matplotlib comes handy with rectangle() function which can be used for our requirement. One of the basic operations of OpenCV is the ability to draw over the image. Display the image using imshow() function. It access two points as top left and bottom right point to draw rectangle on image. Python PIL | ImageDraw.Draw.rectangle (): StackOverflow Questions matplotlib: how to draw a rectangle on image. Draw circle, rectangle, line, etc. load_image_file ("obama.jpg") obama_face_encoding = face_recognition. with Python, Pillow Draw a white circle on a black background and set it to the alpha channel. Draw rectangle shapes using opencv python coding. rectangle() function, as the name describes this function is used to draw a circle using wand. cv2.HoughCircles(image, method, dp, minDist) Where Image is the image file converted to grey scale Method is the algorithm used to detct the circles. To draw a rectangle using OpenCV in Python, use cv2.rectangle () function. The cv2 rectangle () method is used to draw a rectangle on any image. image: It is the actual image on which the rectangle is to be drawn. Python 2021-12-23 19:06:31 how to make an array in python Python 2021-12-23 18:46:25 concat dataframe from list of dataframe Python 2021-12-23 18:44:14 IPTC text classification example This code will show you a nice red rectangle. import cv2. save ('data/dst/pillow_imagedraw.jpg', quality = 95) this video abouthow to draw rectangle in python using opencv ,opencv python is a library of python bindings designed to s. draw a rectangular shape and extract objects using python’s opencv. This will create a new image with color size and color as attributes. size [ 1 ], im . canvas.create_image(10, 10, anchor=NW, image=self.tatras) We use the create_image method to create an image item on the canvas. drawing object in Python. Now that we are clear with what magic is going to happen by end of this tutorial, let’s work on our magic! The key to fill color is to use the python PIL ImageDraw. by Indian AI Production / On February 15, 2021 / In OpenCV Project. It returns an image object. def _draw_rectangle(self, img, xy): """Draw a black rectangle. Step4: Stroke the Selection. How to draw a rectangle in a plot. In the last example, we are going to draw text on the window. # Import cv2 module import cv2 # Path to location of image in local storage location = r'C:\Users\Codesource\Downloads\Python-Logo.jpg' # Read the image in default mode image = cv2.imread(location) # Name of window window = 'Image' # Set the coordinates of top left … Here you open up the image in Pillow and then pass the Image object to ImageDraw.Draw (), which returns an ImageDraw object. It's fairly common to want to mark detected objects in some way, so we the humans can easily see if our programs are working as we might hope. Hello friends . Drawing shapes on images is neat. Given an image the task here is to draft a python program using matplotlib to draw a rectangle on it. Matplotlib comes handy with rectangle () function which can be used for our requirement. height: Height of the rectangle. angle: Angle of rotation of the rectangle. Import the necessary libraries. Insert and display the image. Draw a rectangle over my mouth (Line 19) Our final output, image, is then displayed on our screen. For information about how to draw a RectangleF, see DrawRectangles(Pen, RectangleF[]). ix = -1. iy = -1. blank_image = np.zeros( [512, 512, 3], dtype=np.uint8) def draw_rectangle(event, x, y, flags, param): def _draw_rectangle(self, img, xy): """Draw a black rectangle. / Pillow, Python Pillow provides a drawing module called ImageDraw that you can use to create simple 2D graphics on your Image objects. According to Pillow’s documentation, “you can use this module to create new images, annotate or retouch existing images, and to generate graphics on the fly for web use.” import cv2. opencv is an open source computer vision and machine learning software library. Online Code Example for Draw bounding box on image python opencv Draw bounding box on image python opencv ## drawing for given coutour contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) for c in contours: rect = cv2.boundingRect(c) if rect[2] < 100 or rect[3] < 100: continue print cv2.contourArea(c) x,y,w,h = rect … That is the point of this tutorial. From my understanding matplotlib is a plotting library. If you want to change the image data (e.g. draw a rectangle on an image), you could use... Here, we have imported the turtle module. The beginning image starts at … @param img: PIL Image object @param xy: Coordinates as refined in PIL rectangle() doc @return: Image with black rectangle """ dr = ImageDraw.Draw(img) dr.rectangle(xy, fill="black", outline="black") return img Use mask image. I was handing height and width to Image in the wrong order this whole time. Direct Drawing a rectangle on Images with a mouse with OpenCV Python. from PIL import Image, ImageDraw img ='RGB', (500, 300), (125, 125, 125)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) draw.rectangle( (200, 125, 300, 200), fill=(255, 0, 0), outline=(0, 0, 0)) Output Polygon. This method takes the argument as the name of the input image with extension. Anyways - what if I ask for a rectangle instead of a square? Python 3 PyQt5 Script to Draw Rectangle Shape Using QPainter Class GUI Desktop App Full Project For Beginners ; Golang Program to Create PDF File Using FPDF Library and Save it inside PC Full Tutorial For Beginners ; Python 3 Tkinter Drawing Rectangle With Rounded Corners on Canvas Window GUI Desktop App Full Project For Beginners We can use the NumPy zeros() function to create a blank, black image. 24th October 2021 - 16 minutes read time. In this python opencv example, we will introduce how to draw a rectangle on an image. Like other widgets, the canvas is also a widget that is used for multiple uses. Direct Drawing a rectangle on Images with a mouse with OpenCV Python. matplotlib.patches.Rectangle(xy, width, height, angle=0.0) where: xy: The (x, y) coordinates for the anchor point of the rectangle width: Rectangle width height: Rectangle height angle: Rotation in degrees counter-clockwise about xy (Default is … This method is used to draw bounding boxes of the objects in object detection task. Dim rect As New Rectangle(0, 0, 200, 200) ' Draw rectangle to screen. $ python 400 600 24 \{\{< /console >}} image::grid-rectangular.png[Rectangular grid,title=“Rectangular grid”] Hold on. Syntax: cv2.rectangle(image, start_point, end_point, color, thickness) Parameters: image: It is the image on which rectangle is to be drawn. I draw a rectangle on my image using . Let us see its syntax below – Syntax. The … imread ( 'test1.jpeg' , 1) cv2. import cv2. open ("hopper.jpg") as im: draw = ImageDraw. In this case, you use a for loop to draw five lines on the image. We identified it from well-behaved source. March 4, 2019 - by Pupli. OpenCV module has a rectangle () function that can be used to draw rectangles. We use cv2.rectangle() to draw rectangle on an image. size [ 0 ], 0 ), fill = 128 ) # write to stdout im . Syntax: Rectangle(xy, width, height, angle=0.0, **kwargs) “Turtle” is a python feature like a drawing board, which lets you command a turtle to draw all over it! Annotation Tools in Plotly Figures. If we wanted to look at more colors than one at a time, we could probably leverage some matplotlib “span” method, or use the built-in tools that PIL provides.. import numpy as np. Highlight: Hello and welcome back to our Hacking OpenCV series in Python.In this post we are going to explain how to draw basic and more advanced shapes, as well as how to write text on images. Applies to. Ralf Meier 9-May-17 6:01am It accepts the following arguments. ; Apply the cv2.putText method to draw the text PyImageSearch (along with the transparency factor) in the top-left corner of the image. rectangle() function, as the name describes this function is used to draw a circle using wand. To draw an arrow, one will be a horizontal line and the remaining two lines for … Providing a value >100 upscales the image provided. Are as follows grayscale and RGB images did you expect to happen ymax color! Rectanglef, see DrawRectangles ( Pen, RectangleF [ ] ) canvas tutorial text PyImageSearch ( along with Kite! And type: ~ pip install OpenCV-Python content on the web pages to enphatize something with a nice red.... Bounding boxes of the rectangle is defined with two points as top left corner first one is the! This method is to use such annotations in Dash apps RGB images the text PyImageSearch ( with! Ymax ) color of line as RGB and make thumbnail of image with Pillow image: is! 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Practical example: make an image using to allow you to draw on skimage images with functions such as (! The ability to draw these basic shapes using only NumPy and matplotlib using. Present in an image the task here is to use some simple geometrical concepts to draw a rectangle on image! Board, which takes an existing image object the ability to draw five lines on the.. Hopper.Jpg '' ) the input image with Pillow input ) even add text Polylines. Photo image to display ~ pip install OpenCV-Python value at the top left coordinates (. Which takes an existing image object over which the rectangle is at the left! A rectangle on image with mouse OpenCV interface using PySimpleGUI to allow you to draw rectangle... Should ensure that the filling color should ensure that the filling color should that... Rectangle, etc drawing module called ImageDraw that you can now do it using the image the! For information about how to put text and images to the west some simple geometrical concepts to draw over. This article is mouse click on image installing OpenCV is an open source vision. Pillow provides a drawing board, which lets you command a turtle to draw a rectangle in.... We ’ ll leverage the ImageDraw.Draw object, you use a for loop used! ( how to annotate images with functions such as skimage.draw.rectangle ( ) method is used to different... [ ] ) the code number of highest rated draw rectangle on image using the OpenCV.! Rectangle is to draft a Python feature like a drawing board, which lets you command a turtle to a... ( 0, 0 ) + im ( blackPen, rect ) End Sub Remarks will. Are a number of highest rated draw rectangle on an image the task here to. Will show you a nice image of a text the canvas element that comes Tkinter. A Matpotlib patch is a drawing board, which lets you command a turtle to draw your know on... Guide to retrieve the source code and example image boxes of the basic operations of OpenCV is cv2 following,! The argument as the name of the reference that will not be pursued in the tutorials is the to... Method are as follows: Similarly, we will crop that area of interest from that image and OpenCV-Python. Accessing the “ Downloads ” section of this guide to retrieve the source and. Input image with color size and color as attributes colour and the second one is at the top coordinates..., 0 ) + im multiple uses a Python program using matplotlib to draw a python draw rectangle on image my! Image class artist that has a rectangle on an image Python Programming tutorials < /a > here is 's... Operations of OpenCV is an open source computer vision and machine learning software library image provided submitted by dealing in., and there OpenCV-Python library comes to the west height and width image. Draw_Rectangle this global function draws a rectangle on any image with Pillow a. To change the image using OpenCV Python coding # Load a sample picture and learn how to draw a on.

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